Wednesday, December 23, 2009

tiger woods

After the state patrolmen and other high way workers were not able to get a statement from Woods they found it very unusual. Tiger Wood's, the proffesional golfer, had supposively slammed into a fire hydrent and the end of his driveway and then smashed into a neighbors tree. He was found semi-concious on the ground. The police came to investiagate why Tiger had crashed at around 2 in the morning on Thanksgiving but on their way to his house his agent said "come back tomorow!" Wood's wife was worried about him and smashed in a rear mirror to her car saying "it was locked" The police report says it is not alchohol related.

I think media needs to leave him alone. His is a well respected man that just wants his privacy. He has shown he's a good person and great golfer. I hope his situation dies down quickly so he can go back to living normally. I believe Tiger has a reason for what happened and it is his choice to share it or not. All he legally has to do is prove he has a valid drivers license. I hope all gets better for him!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

2016 Olympics in Chicago??

Obama plans trip to Denmark to seek Olympics

On CNN this week, President Obama is traveling to Denmark to try to make a push to have the 2016 summer olympics in Chicago Illinois. Obama along with his wife and several other administrators are the first ever to go to a IOC vote. Other sites that Chicago is competing against are Rio De Janeiro, Madrid, and Tokyo. They're expected to to make an appearance at the IOC vote.

I think it would be great to hold the summer olympics in Chicago. We need this event back in the United States. It has been awhile since the U.S. has gotten big taste of the Olympics. If Obama would end up inspring the International Olympic Company to have the games in Chicago, He would go down in history for being the first president ever to actually show up at the IOC meetings, let alone persuade them to have the games here. Obama would quickly become a favorite among the sports fans out there, along with the athletes from the U.S., and their families. But should we really be hosting a game with our econimy or will it be fixed by then, and will we even get it here. These are many great question and we will just have to wait and find out, what happens.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Four police officers shot dead in a Coffee Shop

Occording to CNN, sunday morning around 8 a.m. before they were going to start there shift, they were working on a case or paper work. On there laptops, a man walks into the Coffee Shop and fires and kills all four police officer. Nobody else was hurt, but was in shock. the man escaped on foot and as of now has not been found but they are investagting possible places. Seeing if he went to any hospital or other places. They have set a perimitor around the coffee shop searching everywhere possible.

It is shocking that someone would kill 4 cops, there was no threat to the cops before this crime. For some one to do this big of a crime must be mentally screwed up and once found, cause it isn't a question with todays technoligy. He will get one of the biggest punishment there is. Once caught he will not be on the street anymore for his life. This is a big shocker and to see how fast the people around them are acting on this shows us how prepared we are.

black friday

Black friday is the day after Thanks giving in the United States. It is basically the start of the Christmas shopping sales. Big door busters that atracting many costumers to their store. Huge sales that alot of stores open early as 12 o'clock at night, the vary start of friday. It started in 1966 mainly in the east coast but sense about 2000 it became a very common sale through out the United States.

The National Retailer Federlation, estimated that 195 million people visited, malls, retail stores, and online story's, through Thursday- Sunday. Up 23 million people from last year. But the average amount spent for a customer fell about 8 % from last year. People argue thou, the less amount spent is becaus of 200 dollar laptops and things like that. Retailer main focus was to get people into there stores and they seemed to do a good job at that. but the friday sales went up and everything seemed to go well. So this year was a hit and next year, will most likely top this year!!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Job Lose Comes to a End (With Connor Sundberg)

Reported from the Washington Post, at the state of the union Barack Obama said "revising job losses will come at the end of the period, not the start." He hopes that by 2010 jobs will start turning around. Right now it takes 150,000 new jobs a month to deal with the growing population. If we could get 50,000 more a month we could slowly bring that 700,000 job losses at the beginning of the year down.

Yes we need some one making jobs, with this war right now, we shouldn't be going under, the war gives us alot of jobs, this should be are high point. But it is sad that 700,000 people lost their jobs this year. If Barack could start to bring the jobs up with his reform on health care and just keep trying to boost the economy.
Connor Sundberg says, "Obama is considering making health care for illegal immigrants. This isn't right, that's taking money away that could be going toward hard working Americans. I don't see why they are worried about the immigrants when us citizens could be using that help from the government.''
Once people start to get jobs i think allot of things are going to be better. People wont have to be losing their houses, cars, everything they have worked for their whole life. Hopefully Barack is right about 2010 bringing more jobs because that's just what we need. Yes it is great that we are trying to make a change but some of this we just need to let go. Like with the car company's, let them go under, ya jobs go under but we cant just keep puting moneying into failing things, make more jobs some where else like constuction or roads.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Guantanamo Bay Closing

In the New York Times it says that, President Obama is signnig a contract to close downt the Guantanamo Bay. This is a very dangoureous prison, that holds about 245 terrorist suspects. The problem is were to put the detainees. They want to send them to a maximum security prison in the us. But people don't think this is a good idea to bring terrorist in to the us when the whole point was to keep them out.

Connor Sundberg from said, "I think they should keep Guantanamo open and keep the terrorist there. We don't need them in the us. Something crazy might happen like in the movies and some terrorist will get out. Guantanamo might give America a bad name but it keeps the people we are in war over out of our country." I agree with him why bring people know for hating us and also know for terrorist actions back in the US. This will cause a little more panic. Why bring them here when they are perfectly safe there and we are perfectly safe here. Think of our saftey before you think of our reputation.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Northwest pilots mistakes

On October 21, Two pilots flew over minneaplos airpot, there destination by 150 miles tell a flight attending ask the pilots why they weren't landing. They told the FAA that they were to busy on there laptops working on there work schedual to notice they were off course. The FAA now took away there Fly Certifict, people were happy.

I think they did the right thing it is just like driving and text which is not a loud. The only difference is that they have over 44 passengers and and they are flying at 30,000 and at over 300 mph. They have no right putting other people in danger, they should be paying attention, they are being paid to fly not there to play games.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

No Knock Warrents.

Thou the No-knock warrent isn't current to the U.S. I just currently found out about this. It was issued in 2001 so that the police can enter your house or business with out telling you or having you there. They also can but in micro chips to listen to what is going on if they believe you are part of a terrorist orginization.

Now to me this seems like it is getting in the way of are intellectual rights, with going into are personal stuff. How do they pass a law like this if they are breaking the amedments in the constition???They should have to present you with proof of the warrent to search your property. Because you own it and they have no right to go with out you there.

Monday, October 12, 2009

A Immigration Rally

New York Time- Thousands of immigrants came to Capitol Hill on Tuesday for a calling of comprehensive of immigration reform. As deportations continue to go up, the immigration reform is needed now. To allow illegal immigrants to contain there legal status and to stop families from being torn apart. A main purpose of the rally was to highlight the way current immigration law splits families.

Even thou their family's are getting split up from getting deported, it is because they are breaking our laws. They can become a citizen so they don't have to leave and can have say in what we do in the goverment. But until that point it shouldn't matter what they say. I hate how they are getting made that they don't get a freedom of speech and thats ok if they don't cause they don't live here so they don't get the same rights. Not to be mean but go back to your country.

Monday, October 5, 2009

The Night Show with David Letterman

In between his opening lines and his nightly top 10 list. Letterman started to talk about a little story involving himself. Saying it started with a 3 week problem with a guy trying to blackmail him for sleeping women from his staff. My favorite quote from this his show about this case is, "The creepy stuff was that I have had sex with women who work for me on this show," he said. "My response to that is yes, I have. Would it be embarrassing if it were made public? Yes, it would, especially for the women."

Even thou this maybe a serouse topic Dave is still abile to joke about and mostly make fun of while doing so. I think what he did was very wrong, because he was married. But i am glad they caught the man who was black mailing him, he said he wasn't guilty. How would that be, they caught him by setting him up with a fake check. I don't think David Letterman should get introuble wiht anything because it wasn't his fault it got out.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Swine flue

So far there has only been 136 reported deaths of the swine flue in America, where as just the regular flue kills up to 36,000 people in America each year. It is a global out break, that came from a small town in mexico. The WHO, " World health Orginization confirmed it as a pandemic. The Swine flue or also know as H1N1 is seen most in people with weeker immune systems or with already different illnesses. It was almost the same traits of the regular flu.

Look at that last sentence it has the same traits as the flu, so why are we making such a big deal about H1N1 and not the common cold. The regular flue kills thousands more then the swine flue. Also a global out break my butt, a while back it was reported to like 2 people in every country, that is nothing. This isn't a pandemic, it is barely a sickness. How about was your hands and cough in your sleve and i think we will be just fine, just treat it like the more flu, and don't get to worried about this flue.

Matt Pappy

Monday, September 28, 2009

The Real Drinking age

The drinking age changed to 21 over 10 years ago and they haven't gone back yet, everyone using the argument that if you can fight for your country, you should be able to have a beer. There are more people in the world that can drink at the age of 18. But don't complain to the President, because every state makes it own drinking age.

My opinion on this subject is of course to lower the age. Not to say so i can drink all the time, it is some part of it but i think all the freedoms should come to you when you turn 18 not just one random law at the age of 21. Binge drink is a very common type around the U.S. and is very unhealthy. Test have been done and proved it would slow it down, kind of just like your parents. You don't see your dad getting drunk every night he has a few beers and that is it. To me it is just another reasponsibilty that we need to have it, some can't handle it and they will get introuble with the law because of it. But don't have a few people ruin it for the rest of us.

by: Matt Pappenfus

Monday, September 21, 2009

Obama articles on his race

Sep 18, 2009 in the New York Times, Mr. Obama said, He is talking about how the racal problem is still here today. People are saying hurtfull things to him becasue of his race, like he is leading them to communizm. But he doesn't want his race in the way. Did some people vote for me because my race, sure, and did some people vote against me because my race, yeah. But he doesn't want that problem standing in the way, cause he wants to focus on the main issues.

Hmm…let’s see. We now have in office the first black president and there is a talk about race. Isn't this kind of expected, he is the first and we might not be use to in? Everyone treats this like a bomb, you don't want to mess wiht it to much cause it will blow up. If it gets out of hand once in a while, no big deal, it is words. what i am getting at is that we shouldn't have to talk about not talking about this. Just think this is nothing like what it will be in the future for the young ones, just wait it will be a whole lot diffenent in 10 years.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

matts class

talk to me if u want to no