Sunday, November 29, 2009

black friday

Black friday is the day after Thanks giving in the United States. It is basically the start of the Christmas shopping sales. Big door busters that atracting many costumers to their store. Huge sales that alot of stores open early as 12 o'clock at night, the vary start of friday. It started in 1966 mainly in the east coast but sense about 2000 it became a very common sale through out the United States.

The National Retailer Federlation, estimated that 195 million people visited, malls, retail stores, and online story's, through Thursday- Sunday. Up 23 million people from last year. But the average amount spent for a customer fell about 8 % from last year. People argue thou, the less amount spent is becaus of 200 dollar laptops and things like that. Retailer main focus was to get people into there stores and they seemed to do a good job at that. but the friday sales went up and everything seemed to go well. So this year was a hit and next year, will most likely top this year!!

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