Sunday, November 29, 2009

Four police officers shot dead in a Coffee Shop

Occording to CNN, sunday morning around 8 a.m. before they were going to start there shift, they were working on a case or paper work. On there laptops, a man walks into the Coffee Shop and fires and kills all four police officer. Nobody else was hurt, but was in shock. the man escaped on foot and as of now has not been found but they are investagting possible places. Seeing if he went to any hospital or other places. They have set a perimitor around the coffee shop searching everywhere possible.

It is shocking that someone would kill 4 cops, there was no threat to the cops before this crime. For some one to do this big of a crime must be mentally screwed up and once found, cause it isn't a question with todays technoligy. He will get one of the biggest punishment there is. Once caught he will not be on the street anymore for his life. This is a big shocker and to see how fast the people around them are acting on this shows us how prepared we are.

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