Thursday, November 5, 2009

Job Lose Comes to a End (With Connor Sundberg)

Reported from the Washington Post, at the state of the union Barack Obama said "revising job losses will come at the end of the period, not the start." He hopes that by 2010 jobs will start turning around. Right now it takes 150,000 new jobs a month to deal with the growing population. If we could get 50,000 more a month we could slowly bring that 700,000 job losses at the beginning of the year down.

Yes we need some one making jobs, with this war right now, we shouldn't be going under, the war gives us alot of jobs, this should be are high point. But it is sad that 700,000 people lost their jobs this year. If Barack could start to bring the jobs up with his reform on health care and just keep trying to boost the economy.
Connor Sundberg says, "Obama is considering making health care for illegal immigrants. This isn't right, that's taking money away that could be going toward hard working Americans. I don't see why they are worried about the immigrants when us citizens could be using that help from the government.''
Once people start to get jobs i think allot of things are going to be better. People wont have to be losing their houses, cars, everything they have worked for their whole life. Hopefully Barack is right about 2010 bringing more jobs because that's just what we need. Yes it is great that we are trying to make a change but some of this we just need to let go. Like with the car company's, let them go under, ya jobs go under but we cant just keep puting moneying into failing things, make more jobs some where else like constuction or roads.

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