Monday, October 5, 2009

The Night Show with David Letterman

In between his opening lines and his nightly top 10 list. Letterman started to talk about a little story involving himself. Saying it started with a 3 week problem with a guy trying to blackmail him for sleeping women from his staff. My favorite quote from this his show about this case is, "The creepy stuff was that I have had sex with women who work for me on this show," he said. "My response to that is yes, I have. Would it be embarrassing if it were made public? Yes, it would, especially for the women."

Even thou this maybe a serouse topic Dave is still abile to joke about and mostly make fun of while doing so. I think what he did was very wrong, because he was married. But i am glad they caught the man who was black mailing him, he said he wasn't guilty. How would that be, they caught him by setting him up with a fake check. I don't think David Letterman should get introuble wiht anything because it wasn't his fault it got out.

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