Sunday, October 4, 2009

Swine flue

So far there has only been 136 reported deaths of the swine flue in America, where as just the regular flue kills up to 36,000 people in America each year. It is a global out break, that came from a small town in mexico. The WHO, " World health Orginization confirmed it as a pandemic. The Swine flue or also know as H1N1 is seen most in people with weeker immune systems or with already different illnesses. It was almost the same traits of the regular flu.

Look at that last sentence it has the same traits as the flu, so why are we making such a big deal about H1N1 and not the common cold. The regular flue kills thousands more then the swine flue. Also a global out break my butt, a while back it was reported to like 2 people in every country, that is nothing. This isn't a pandemic, it is barely a sickness. How about was your hands and cough in your sleve and i think we will be just fine, just treat it like the more flu, and don't get to worried about this flue.

Matt Pappy

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