Wednesday, December 23, 2009

tiger woods

After the state patrolmen and other high way workers were not able to get a statement from Woods they found it very unusual. Tiger Wood's, the proffesional golfer, had supposively slammed into a fire hydrent and the end of his driveway and then smashed into a neighbors tree. He was found semi-concious on the ground. The police came to investiagate why Tiger had crashed at around 2 in the morning on Thanksgiving but on their way to his house his agent said "come back tomorow!" Wood's wife was worried about him and smashed in a rear mirror to her car saying "it was locked" The police report says it is not alchohol related.

I think media needs to leave him alone. His is a well respected man that just wants his privacy. He has shown he's a good person and great golfer. I hope his situation dies down quickly so he can go back to living normally. I believe Tiger has a reason for what happened and it is his choice to share it or not. All he legally has to do is prove he has a valid drivers license. I hope all gets better for him!

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