Monday, January 11, 2010

The Jamaica Plane Crash!! from Brian Eipperle


From Brain Eipperle

A Jet over shot a runway in Jamaica, and more than forty people were taken to the hospital. They said it might be becasue of the heavy rain that Jamaica was experiencing during the event. the Engines were ripped off and the fuslage was ripped off. Also, during the actual flight the plane experienced a lot of tubulence which might have damaged the plane.

this is a weird storey. All planes experiecne tubulence all the time and if that plane can't handle it, i would never ride on it at all, and it should never been flownk. this seems to happen quite a bit, where planes have nechanical issues. I would think that with how long planes have been around that this wouldn't really happen as often. Hopefully all of these people are okay, and nobody diessss!!!!!

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