Friday, January 15, 2010

Bags prices go u

United Airlines is hiking bag fees and passengers will be charged $25 for the first checked bag and $35 for the second checked bag. Online users will be charged $23 for first checked bags and $32 for second checked bags. Airlines basically stole a whopping $740 million in baggage fees in the 3rd quarter of 2009. This is where I think these airlines are pulling all their money by charging outrageous prices just to check a stupid bag. I can be unfair to the passengers by being forced to spend so much money on baggage checking.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Good Job inmates

From Dominic Wysosic

An inmate at a prison (not named) attacked a guard that was on duty. He punched him repeatedly in the face and then took him in a chokehold. Then, out of the blue another inmate rushed in and took out the attacker. As if that wasn't enough, two more came in to the rescue. One grabs the radio sitting on the desk and calls for backup. The other tries to separate the original attacker and the guard. Undoubtedly, they saved the guards life.

I think these men that saved the guards life have done a wonderful deed. They better get another court review because they should most likely get off early for good behabiovor. They have been put into jail for attempted murder, assault and battery, and theft. Yet, they still had the good in them to save the guard. I feel they deserve a huge pat on the back and possibly early release for good behavior.

The Jamaica Plane Crash!! from Brian Eipperle


From Brain Eipperle

A Jet over shot a runway in Jamaica, and more than forty people were taken to the hospital. They said it might be becasue of the heavy rain that Jamaica was experiencing during the event. the Engines were ripped off and the fuslage was ripped off. Also, during the actual flight the plane experienced a lot of tubulence which might have damaged the plane.

this is a weird storey. All planes experiecne tubulence all the time and if that plane can't handle it, i would never ride on it at all, and it should never been flownk. this seems to happen quite a bit, where planes have nechanical issues. I would think that with how long planes have been around that this wouldn't really happen as often. Hopefully all of these people are okay, and nobody diessss!!!!!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Schools with Child Abuse??

In 2002, a 14 year old special education student in Texas was killed because his teacher was holding him in a face down restraint, even though the child was repeatedly saying that he couldn't breathe. Minutes later he died on the classroom floor. Within the last 20 years, their have been many cases of things like this. Resulting in emotional scarring, and sometimes even death. The root of our problem is our failure to provide direction and reinforcement.

I think that this should not be that difficult of a problem to fix. Its common sense when it comes to a child abuse. But I'm sure that when special ed teachers are getting frustrated with their students, they don't think through what they are doing, and I'm sure they regret their decisions later. Also they may have had to hold down the student because they were having a emotional break down and throwing things and acting like a little kid because that is all they know, they don't know any better. But it shouldn't be that hard watch the teachers and tell them and advise them on what they need to change or they will change the teacher, it is that simple.