Monday, September 28, 2009

The Real Drinking age

The drinking age changed to 21 over 10 years ago and they haven't gone back yet, everyone using the argument that if you can fight for your country, you should be able to have a beer. There are more people in the world that can drink at the age of 18. But don't complain to the President, because every state makes it own drinking age.

My opinion on this subject is of course to lower the age. Not to say so i can drink all the time, it is some part of it but i think all the freedoms should come to you when you turn 18 not just one random law at the age of 21. Binge drink is a very common type around the U.S. and is very unhealthy. Test have been done and proved it would slow it down, kind of just like your parents. You don't see your dad getting drunk every night he has a few beers and that is it. To me it is just another reasponsibilty that we need to have it, some can't handle it and they will get introuble with the law because of it. But don't have a few people ruin it for the rest of us.

by: Matt Pappenfus

Monday, September 21, 2009

Obama articles on his race

Sep 18, 2009 in the New York Times, Mr. Obama said, He is talking about how the racal problem is still here today. People are saying hurtfull things to him becasue of his race, like he is leading them to communizm. But he doesn't want his race in the way. Did some people vote for me because my race, sure, and did some people vote against me because my race, yeah. But he doesn't want that problem standing in the way, cause he wants to focus on the main issues.

Hmm…let’s see. We now have in office the first black president and there is a talk about race. Isn't this kind of expected, he is the first and we might not be use to in? Everyone treats this like a bomb, you don't want to mess wiht it to much cause it will blow up. If it gets out of hand once in a while, no big deal, it is words. what i am getting at is that we shouldn't have to talk about not talking about this. Just think this is nothing like what it will be in the future for the young ones, just wait it will be a whole lot diffenent in 10 years.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

matts class

talk to me if u want to no